

Checkpoint tests are external assessment tests marked by Cambridge examiners. It is an intermediary stage for IGCSE students in which they build their understanding and skills in English, Mathematics and Science. The aim of these tests is to provide cumulative measure of performance at the end of the primary learning phase. They also identify students’ strengths and weaknesses from test-result analysis. These tests enable schools to obtain an international benchmark of learner performance to identify and address learning needs.

Checkpoint tests can be used in a number of ways. First and foremost, they can be used to help learners understand more about their strengths and weaknesses at the end of Cambridge Primary and Lower Secondary. Learners, parents and teachers can use these strengths and weaknesses to act as a basis for cooperative action planning in the future. Checkpoint tests also help learners and teachers make the most of their educational opportunities and give their school an international benchmark of learner performance to identify and address learning needs as we had mentioned earlier. Checkpoint tests for year 6 provides excellent preparation for Cambridge Lower Secondary and tests for year 9 provide an evidence of readiness for Cambridge Upper Secondary since key concepts and skills are introduced to provide a foundation for future study.

As much as it is not an easy exam to crack, thorough preparation needs to be had to score excellent marks in Checkpoint exams. It is important to have effective preparation techniques for this. It is important to focus on the syllabus for starters. Students tend to study for a lot of things of which some may be irrelevant. Sticking to the syllabus enables student to focus on what is important. Another thing students need to do is give more time to study areas they know or have proven to be difficult for them. This way they become more familiar with the topics and will have an easy time answering questions in the tests. One of the easiest ways to remember information is to be clear on facts while studying.

It is easy to get caught up in memorizing things that are miscellaneous to the facts. Some effective ways to remember actual facts are, while studying, you can write short notes, or use flash cards to write down key concepts and short points. These will help in quick revision on the days of upcoming Checkpoint Exams. Use of past papers is also a way to prepare. Overtime the questions set in these papers become repetitive, thus helps the students familiarize with the most frequently asked questions. Students generally have to pick their study resources smartly. Study and reference materials play a big role in being the top scorer. Students can also use learner guides by Cambridge as part of preparing for examinations as they have useful advice to help plan a study program.

Results for these exams are given as Checkpoint scores between 0.0 being the weakest performance and 6.0 as the best performance. The average scores being between 3.0 and 4.0. The report gives a score for the subject as a whole and for the main topics or skills and the students also get a Statement of Achievement which shows the subjects and the scores attained. The scores will also help teachers to tailor individual learning programs and compare performance of all learners, a group or individuals. Cambridge also includes a Principal’s Examiner report for the schools. This provides qualitative information about the students. It includes types of learner responses and areas where they performed well and common errors made on each part of the exam question.

At Caplora, We help students prepare effectively for Checkpoint exams. Any student that is under the IGCSE program can enroll in our Checkpoint tutoring classes which helps offload the burden on the students to come up with their own ways for revision. The student will already have a mapped out plan and all they have to do is attend the classes, and last minute studying will be easy. Reach out to us and we will make sure your Checkpoint scores are great.