On our Caplora Times article, “Why You Should Join The Caplora Community”, We highlighted who we were as a school, what STEM is, why we chose the British Curriculum and most importantly, we spoke a bit on why the reason for homeschooling.

There are many articles on homeschooling that we would share with you on different topics. In reference to the reason why Caplora STEM International School is a homeschool, we came across this article that basically highlights reasons why homeschooling is not only perfect for us as a school, but also students and parents of the Caplora community.

In the article by WorldWideLearn, “What Are The Potential Benefits Of Online Learning”, they first gave statistics of how online learning has been on the rise over the years and they pointed out that the students’ demand for it has been a major contributing factor. Students’ demand for online learning rising has been caused by the advantages of homeschooling or online learning which we also have in our Caplora Times article “Advantages And Misconceptions of homeschooling”. We expounded on the academic benefits, how it affects life skills, and the economic benefits of homeschooling. In WorldWideLearn’s article, they also talk about the same things but have expounded in different ways and have other points listed too.

Homeschooling is in more than way beneficial for the students, the pros outweigh the cons by far for sure. The only thing we would advise to students who want to transition into homeschooling or online learning is that, they should exercise discipline because they will be some freedom in homeschooling so they should manage their time wisely.

To read more on the articles above, click on the links below.

WorldWideLearn, “The Potential Benefits Of Online Learning” – https://www.worldwidelearn.com/articles/benefits-of-online-learning/

Caplora Times, “Advantages And Misconceptions Of Homeschooling” –
