1 – Science with Hazel 

Science with Hazel is hosted by Hazel and she explains GCSE and IGCSE science topics including the new Grade 1 to 9 syllabus. She answers practice exam papers in all three sciences – Chemistry, Biology, and Physics to help students with their exam revision. 

2 – The IGCSE Channel 

The IGCSE Channel goes through IGCSE past year papers on her channel and helps students to get the model A* answers examiners are looking for! She gives detailed solutions in correspondence to the mark scheme. Additionally, she focuses on the three sciences of IGCSE – Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. 

3 – CrashCourse 

CrashCourse channel is formed by two brothers who wanted to make education easily accessible to everyone. The Crash Course team has produced more than 32 courses on a wide variety of subjects, including organic chemistry, literature, world history, biology, philosophy, theater, ecology, and many more! Their videos are concept-based and can be used as an introduction to the new concept or reemphasize the concept. 

4 – Michel van Biezen

Michel van Biezen is a channel hosted by a professor and the channel contains a variety of subject videos which include Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Math, and Mechanical Engineering videos. His videos explain fundamental concepts as well as examples to solve questions and problems. 

Now, moving on to the blog pages and or websites that provides students with revision notes and resources for their examination preparation. 

 5 –  IGCSE Pro 


IGCSE Pro is a website that offers students resources for IGCSE Biology and ICT. They have a complete and comprehensive note for all the sub-topics under Biology and ICT. 

6 – Stamp Science 


Stamp Science offers students the notes of the three IGCSE sciences for years 7, 8, and 9 students. Their website breaks down the subjects into their sub-topics and they also included the essential formulas, concepts, key takeaways of the subtopic as well as simulation for several topics to better illustrate the concept to students. Visit them to get your resources! 

7 – Tutopiya 


Tutopiya’s Resource Centre contains many IGCSE past year papers examples and summary notes that are useful for our students. They are also available for download for all our students. Feel free to chat us up if you are looking for any summary and revision notes for a particular subject! Visit our Resource Centre today! 

8 – Notes4IGCSE


Notes4IGCSE mainly provides students with IGCSE Biology and Chemistry Notes. Their notes are detailed and easy to read. They also cover all the sub-topics of the subject in detail. It is great for students who are looking for quick summary notes for sub-topics. 

9 – TeachifyMe 


TeachifyMe offers students subject notes for the majority of the IGCSE subjects. They also provide blog pages that go through example questions. This page is extremely helpful and surely you are able to find something there. However, to gain access to their full notes you may have to pay for it. 

10 – OxNotes


OxNotes contains study and revision notes for GCSE many GCSE subjects including English Literature, Geography, and History. Their study guides help students to go through each concept and chapter with either note of recommended YouTube videos. It really is a study guide for students! Be sure to check them out! 

11 – Cambridge Assessment International Education Official Website


Yes, the official IGCSE website is one of the 11 useful websites for IGCSE revision. It provides students with past-year examination papers that are available for download. Past year papers are extremely helpful for examination revision. You can find all their past year papers including the mark scheme to serve as a guide to your preparation. 

In conclusion, there are many resources available online, but to find one that suits you and your learning needs will require some research. We hope that one of these 11 useful websites for IGCSE notes and revision can be of help to your examination preparation! 


Seneca is a website and an app that uses gorgeously designed interactive flashcards with memes, sound and animation to teach you the stuff you really need to know in an entertaining way. Seneca has content prepared by examiners and educational experts tailored to AQA,  Edexcel, Eduqas, OCR and WJEC exam boards. It’s particularly good for A-Level EnglishBiology and History

Work your way through Seneca’s mini-tutorials and every so often you’ll be given a quick test on what you’ve just been reading. What makes Seneca one of the best A-Level revision websites is that its teach and test system uses AI technology to work out which things you’re having trouble remembering and will keep testing you on these in different ways until you’ve got them down. 

Much of the content on the site is completely free to registered users but you can also sign up for premium material if you’ve exhausted all the free resources. Premium also gets you access to Smart learning mode, a database of all the hardest questions and much more!

While KhanAcademy is not a UK-focused website that specifically deals with A-Level content, it’s got so many relevant videos, articles and quizzes that make complicated topics crystal clear that you just have to check it out! It’s especially useful for STEM subjects.   

Where can I find A-Level resources for specific subjects?

Many sites specialize in one subject in depth. These are often run by teachers or lecturers who have decades of experience with their discipline and know what is most important for A-Level exam candidates to learn. Here are some of the best:


York Notes are the creme de la creme of study guides when it comes to English Literature. 

York Notes have put together expert but easy to understand commentaries, analyses of genre, structure, themes and language, sample exam answers, essay plans and a bunch more good stuff for scores of set texts. You do have to pay for it.

The site also offers interactive online essay tools and revision aids as well as study guides. You can get the online edition (including an app) or the print edition of the study guides for £7.99 or you can pay just £2 more to get the print copy, the online version and the app!

On YouTube Mr Bruff the English teacher has videos on exam tips, analyses by scene and by character, samples of great answers to exam questions and even songs to help you revise! Mr Bruff has even more stuff on his website including podcasts and books to help you achieve top marks. 


At RevisionMaths you’ll get loads of A-Level maths revision resources, exam tips, revision videos, covering pure maths topics like algebracalculus, geometry and trigonometry as well as statistics and mechanics. 

MathsCentre comes from the Educational Broadcasting Services Trust and the Universities of Coventry, Leeds and Loughborough. It offers worksheets, revision notes, and videos for pure A-Level Maths and statistics, mechanics and applied maths. Design-wise, the site is quite, let’s say, old school…, but it is absolutely chock-full of useful resources and links!


Physics and Maths Tutor provides a well-stocked collection of cheat sheets, solutions, past papers, worksheets, revision notes and flashcards for AQA, Edexcel, OCR and WJEC courses.

It’s great for all the sciences too! ????

A Level Physics Online has a knack for explaining in 5-minute videos what can take your teacher an hour-long class to cover. Think of them as your revision notes in video form. Videos deal with topics, past paper questions, exam techniques and even practicals! 

Topics can be found in separate sections for AQA, Edexcel (Pearson), Eduqas, IB, OCR, and WJEC exams. There are hundreds of really interesting and helpful free videos and downloadable materials but there’s a premium plan that gets you access to hundreds more videos for just £19.99 for 24 months!


Biology Carol is a Youtuber who specialises in A-Level Biology videos that offer clear and elegant explanations. Her videos range from 8 minutes to over an hour and a half depending on the topic. Her live streams are interactive so you can ask her questions while she’s on air. Her website hosts even more specialised premium video playlists covering all sorts of biology topics.

At A-Level Biology you’ll get free access to revision notes and past papers for the old A-Level Biology exams from 2008 to 2015. If you sign up for a premium account you can expect detailed exam questions, revision mindmaps, and ready-made revision notes written by an experienced biology teacher to power you through AQA, Edexcel, OCR and CIE exams. ????


Although Chemguide looks like it was designed in prehistoric internet times, it’s actually a comprehensive resource for A-Level chemistry in a cunning disguise!. It’s the work of Jim Clark,who has written many great textbooks and really knows what he’s talking about. He started the website to allow him to explain topics in greater detail than textbooks normally allow. It caters to students doing chemistry with any UK exam board. 

The Royal Society Of Chemistry is often used by teachers, but it’s also the perfect resource for students too. The site has a whopping great pile of content for you. Including worksheets with answers, chemistry simulations, videos of practical experiments and a highly useful interactive periodic table. 


The History Learning Site is thorough, easy to understand and really pleasant to use, everything is laid out clearly and logically. It covers a massive amount of the history syllabus from Ancient Rome to modern British politics. 

Mr Allsop History is an award-winning website and Mr Allsop’s fun and fascinating educational podcasts are routinely in the iTunes Top-10 in the education category. The website hosts videos, podcasts, transcripts, exam advice, quiz generators, and more.